Tuesday, September 19, 2006

July 5 - Toilet humor, Vanuatu style.

Today, we mixed 120 bags of cement with sand and coral to make concrete, and filled in the foundation of the building. The men at the worksite are incredible, as is the community. I learned today that at least for many of the smaller children, we are the first white people they've seen - maybe that explains why some of them scream and run away whenever they see us.

This evening we went to the United Church - the music is unbelievably beautiful, and despite the fact that I am in no way religious (and definately not Christian, a fact that I'm finding it hard to explain to people here) I look forward to going back. Some of the youth put on a play, but we didn't understand much other than that there was a family, a toilet, and the father got drunk on kava and pooped.

We have rats. Lots of them. They ate Becca's underwear. I am horrified.

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