When we saw the boat that would take us to Ambrym and then to Malekula, I had a hard time coming to terms with the idea that we would a) fit on it and b) not sink and become shark bait. We've been on the boat a day now, cramped, seasick, but I think we might be almost there...the Lalinda group was dropped off two hours ago, so we can't be too far away now. Anne is no longer shitting her pants, Jess is no longer barfing over the side of the boat, and I am still constipated. We've been making friends with some American Peace Corps volunteers. One of them gave Jess and me ginger candy because he said it would make us feel less nauseous, but I think it was his way of telling us that our breath reeked of perfume au vomit. What they're doing is not all that different from what we're doing, except they are isolated and their placements are two years long. I admire their dedication, but I don't think I could be a lone volunteer in Vanuatu for that long quite yet.
The boat of doom.
Joel and Barenda see us off: they will be on solid ground for the next 27 hours. We will not be.
Volcano on Epi at dawn.
The Ambrym group heads to the island on another, smaller boat.
If you look at a map of Vanuatu, you will be able to track the path that our boat took. Boat went from Efate, to Epi, to Ambrym, to Malekula, back to Ambrym (where the Lalinda group was dropped off, a bag of rice fell victim to the sea but the crew dove for it, as well as MC's shoe) and finally, again now, to Malekula, our stop, at last. Mi happy tumas.
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