Friday, November 10, 2006

Brotha, Fire! - The Crazy Song, ft. Kalo Robbie

(To the tune of something Dave made up)

Olsem wanem, mi askem yu
Yu ansa hemi stret
Mi askem yu, yu go long wea
Yu ansa, mi go long walkabout...


Brotha, fire, FIRE!
Numbawan, numbatwo, FIRE!
Yu no climb up hemi tabu, mi kan no kasem yu
Sista yu keep two feet on the ground

Olsem wanem, mi askem yu
Yu se no harem gud
Mi drink tumas kava mo mi danis wetem ladies all night long...


Olsem wanem, mi askem yu
Yu se mi missem yu
Mi likem yu mi wantem yu kam lukem mi bak long Vanuatu....


Our Bislama may not be premium, but this song went over really, really well. Numbawan, by the way, means "excellent"; I didn't realize this at first, so when the construction workers would say "numbawan" to me on the work site, I didn't really know how to respond, so I would say, "numba two!" I did realize that they were saying something of a positive nature, so when I needed reassurance that I'd done something properly, I would ask, "numbawan?" and they would answer, "numba two!" Whenever the men would see me around, they would shout, "Numba two!" took me about two weeks to realize they were making fun of me. No wonder everyone in the community thought i was "funny and fat-fat."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi, did you grow up in montreal? and have you ever hit someone on the back with a real hammer, and have a plastic fruit stand in your dads basement? (when you were really little?)...hehehe, if this is NOT you, please ignore me, i'm just a crazy stranger, but if it IS you... this is lindsay nichol (the hammer incident victim). my email is if you would like to drop me a line!